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Is Your Diet Less Than Colorful?

Are You Getting Enough Fruits & Vegetables?

We know that we should eat several colorful fruit and veggie servings daily. The vitamins and minerals in these foods are important for many reasons. Like keeping down inflammation, bone and joint health, and combating fatigue just to name a few!  Some food experts recommend 9-13 servings a day! That’s a lot of vegetables! Sometimes our diet falls short from lack of time (How do you fit 9-13 in?!), preparation or availability.  One serving of Dynamic Greens has the antioxidant power of 20+ servings of fruits and vegetables.  This product has a fruit and vegetable blend that is from whole food powders not synthetic vitamins.  It also has a fiber blend to give you the similar benefits of the whole foods.  As a bonus, it also offers an enzyme and probiotic blend.  This means it has ingredients to help you digest and absorb the great nutrients, and deliver healthy bacteria to your gut!  A “win win “on all fronts.


Dynamic Fruit and Greens is a        “must have” when…

  • You are traveling and have to eat on the go..
  • You have a meeting or conference and there isn’t a healthy selection to choose from
  • You need something quick to add to a breakfast smoothie
  • Great substitution for koolaid or sugar sports drinks

The single serve packs of Dynamic Fruit and Green are a great take along! I can’t think of a more convenient way to get in your nutrition when time is short and nutrient dense foods are not available.

Do you want to better your vegetable intake?            Contact us today!

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